Youth Promise Afterschool Leadership Series Spring 2024
- Wednesday, Feb 14th, Feb 28th, Mar 13th, Mar 27th, Apr 10th, Apr 24th, May 8th, & May 22nd
- 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
- 924 Riverside Drive Windham, CT 06226
Develop your power. Build your skills. Connect with your network. Immersive and fun afterschool leadership and career development workshop series.
- February theme – Launching our journeys
- March theme – Identifying new pathways and resources
- April theme – Exploring opportunities and building a toolbox
- May theme – Celebrating our new perspectives and goals
Level Up Your Potential!
These FREE afterschool workshops for people age 13 to 18 will provide adventurous, fun, and immersive experiences that help develop important skills for life.
The focus on experiential career development skills, networking, and resume building provide youth opportunities to build 21st century workshop skills in the context of our heroic journey. We want to help give them the tools necessary for them to take action and level up their life.
Two evenings per month – FREE CAREER EDUCATION

Sign Up - Free
This workshop series is sponsored by NAFI CT and Project Imo.
Participants completing the series will receive a stipend of $100.00 for career and/or higher education related items that will further goals they set during the program. Successful program graduates will be able to add a strong line to their resumes and college applications. It is an ideal stepping stone to that next stage.
Seats are limited to 12 participants.
visit Youth Promise Career Pathways for more information.
Project Imo is a 501c3 nonprofit organization based in Willimantic, CT.
Empower. Build. Connect.
About this EVent
Youth Promise Afterschool Leadership Series
The workshop are presented twice per month from February through May of 2024 at Project Imo’s “Basecamp” Teen Center in Willimantic, CT.
- Two (2) Wednesday evenings per month
- 3:30pm to 6:30pm
- Dinner provided during the programs
- Open for people aged 13-18 in eastern Connecticut
- $100 stipend per participant completing the series to be used to help obtain career exploration resources after completing the full series.
- Feb 14, 28; March 13, 27; April 10, 24; May 8, 22; optional graduation retreat To Be Determined (TBD)
- People attending all 8 sessions will receive a small stipend to purchase career or higher-education-related items
Participants will explore key career and life skills:
- Identifying their “why”
- Communication
- Planning
- Goal setting & time management
- Reflective thinking
- Group work
- Personal finance
- Interview skills and pracitce
- Resume building
We’ll explore regionally relevant career pathways:
- Advanced manufacturing, technology, and trades
- Public service
- Advanced agriculture and food systems
- Outdoor education, recreation, and green jobs
- Healthcare and healthy living services
- Arts and communication
No lectures here.
- Conversations.
- Experiential initiatives.
- Group projects.
- Q&A with community leaders and employers.
Frequently asked questions
Youth aged 13-18 or actively enrolled in school are eligible to enroll. Participants will be asked to open a free Basecamp Teen Center membership for the purposes of obtaining parental consent and other important information.
This program is fully funded by our sponsors and NAFI CT and Project Imo. Registration is FREE for all participants.
We will always meet at our Willimantic, CT “Basecamp” Teen Center. Some workshops will take place at community partner locations within walking distance or even outside dependent upon the content and weather. All information will be communicated to participants.
Yes. We have snacks and pizza will be provided.